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Product Update – September 2019

in Product Update. Last Updated on October 16th, 2019

Product Update is our monthly communication that showcases the latest changes and improvements we’ve accomplished.

Here is what we did in September:

Product Improvements 

  • User segmentation.
    • As part of the onboarding process now our wizard asks users basic questions (that can also be expanded) in order for us to get a more profound understanding of who our users are. Our main goal is to use this information towards personalizing the experience and provide a more dedicated value to each different category of user. 
  • Ola:
    • Our new design system has been released as open source project and published as npm package. Take a look here.
    • During the first phase of the release, the changes and improvements we’re working on are focused on basic usability and accessibility issues: small, low-contrast text which made legibility difficult, differentiated styles for focused or active status, keyboard navigation improvements, better form usability, consistency, etc.
    • New components have been implemented
      • Checkgroup component
      • Checkarea component
  • Tasks:
    • Changes and improvements in our SEO Tasks, mainly moved to Optimize your Pages section for a better on-page SEO work.
      • Image alt
      • No meta description
      • Outbound links
      • Descriptive URLs
      • Title tag abscence
  • Content freshness:
    • Content freshness KPI in Audit your Site and the corresponding task have been updated to match with same time threshold for us to advice the user on creating more content: 15 days.
  • NPS/Satisfaction
    • A new NPS/Satisfaction email has been implemented to monitor customer satisfaction and have more information to improve marketgoo.

Product Fixes

  • Keyword search volume error.
    • Now keywords are displaying search volume metric as expected.
  • PDF report download error.
    • Download of PDFs is working correctly now.
  • Some UI icons were not loading.
    • Now they do as expected.
  • On wizard’s last step about user industry, pressing the back button was triggering the scan.
    • Now it works as expected.
  • The “notitlesingle” task was not detecting the page title.
    • Now it works as expected.

Feel free to make any comments and suggestions. Happy to help, your feedback is what makes us better!

You can take a look at our previous Product Updates or subscribe to future releases.

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Head of Product