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Webinar: Unlocking SEO Success for SMBs 

in Events, marketgoo News & Updates. Last Updated on June 28th, 2023

We recently presented a webinar in collaboration with our partner and the help of Startup Central. Our own customer success and support manager Earl Cruz was the guest speaker 😉  

We aimed to delve into the world of SEO while offering essential strategies for boosting website visibility.

Read on for an overview of the topics we covered and a link to the recording and slides. If you want to present an SEO Basics webinar to your customers, this is something we can offer our Partners. 

88% of small business owners believe their business needs to have an online presence to be successful.

However, we have observed during our decade plus of experience that SMB customers often lack any SEO knowledge & remain unsure about the benefits of dedicating time and budget to their site’s SEO. 

This webinar tackled those doubts.

Understanding SEO: Basics and Best Practices

  • We started by providing attendees with a foundation in SEO: what it is, why it matters, what is meant by the search algorithm, and how search engines rank websites.
  • We highlighted content and backlinks as critical pillars that beginners need to grasp. Although there are multiple ranking factors, we consider it important to first understand the role these play in search.

Unveiling the Benefits of SEO

  • Then we went on to talk about the results of investing time and effort into SEO.
  • Earl covered increased (sustainable) organic traffic, higher search engine rankings, improved user experience, and enhanced brand credibility as the main benefits.
  • We emphasised how SEO can positively impact SMBs by increasing online visibility and attracting relevant customers.

Live app Demo: Putting Theory into Practice

  • Finally, we showcased how marketgoo can help SEO beginners get started and understand what needs to be improved on their site and what’s important to work on, step-by-step.
  • We have some success cases of users who transformed their site’s online results by using marketgoo, and went over their results.
  • There was a Q&A section at the end. 


  • Although it requires time and effort to see improvements, higher rankings can be stable, driving long-lasting traffic without continuous financial investment.
  • You do not see SEO results overnight – patience is needed!
  • Although marketgoo is a Do-it-Yourself SEO tool, you always have help from Support. customers can reach out directly to their support team with their SEO questions. 

P.S. The slides are being translated into Spanish and Dutch, contact us if you’d like them!

Resell our SEO tools to help your customers succeed online with improved traffic and search rankings!


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