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SEO Audit Reports – What if my Site is Slow? Part 4.

in Academy. Last Updated on August 19th, 2019

In the previous post in this series, we learned how to pick keywords that are relevant to your site and will help you get more traffic.

By now you know what keywords you should be focusing on, which will help you immensely. But keywords aren’t the only answer. Search engines like Google want to know that your site is offering relevant content, but they also want to make sure your site offers a pleasant experience for the user. One of the most important factors affecting the user experience is the speed at which your site loads.

Slow is Bad

Why is slow bad? A few seconds for an page to load surely can’t be that bad! Wrong. Visitors will drop you like a hot potato if they have to wait too long for your page to load, and if they are visiting from a mobile device, their tolerance will be even lower. If Google sees your site is taking over 1.5 seconds, and visitors consistently leave your site quickly, it is a red flag that your site is slow.

What Makes it Slow?

There are many elements that can influence your site’s speed, and the most common are: images that are too heavy, broken links on your page, whether you have a video or music playing automatically, etc.

How to fix your site’s speed.

Click the video below to see what you can do to remedy a slow site.

Next in this Series: all the technical SEO stuff and examples of websites doing things right.

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