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Tracking your traffic with Google Analytics

in Product Update. Last Updated on January 16th, 2019

That’s right. Google Analytics is already available to be connected within your marketgoo account.

From now on, you’ll have accurate traffic information on top of your ongoing SEO reporting with a really simple approach to follow.

Easy to connect, in a matter of seconds and a few clicks, marketgoo integrates your Google Analytics account to let you monitor, take action and increase your site’s traffic.

This improvement is something that has been a very popular request among our customers for a long time but also it was pretty exciting for the team to deliver as a feature.

So, having briefly explained its importance, let me go a bit further:

Google Analytics marketgoo

The story behind

Google Analytics, right? How much sense does it make?

marketgoo stands up to help businesses boost their SEO strategy with a simple (yet comprehensive) solution. Our product delivers value on different levels but in the end, we look deeply into how can we help your business to be successful online. Increasing your position in SERPs (Search Engine Result’s Page) is key for sure, also improving our SEO Score, among others.

Boosting your traffic is one of them too. And a really important one, as our power users confirm. Yet there was a gap between working on your site and measuring its traffic evolution outside marketgoo. Historically we have given traffic volume estimations which were ok for having the first idea but it wasn’t enough.

Google Analytics + marketgoo

So, we have integrated Google Analytics information within our Insights module, along with your search engine indexing status and keyword rankings. This way you can have a quick understanding of how your site is doing with the key performance indicators to then go deeper and review specific warnings or recommendations.

Once you have connected your account to marketgoo it will be displayed in the same slot, leveraging on our continuous scan of your site to keep this information up-to-date and actionable. We’ll be displaying information regarding the total number of single page sessions for your site. In the close future traffic sources, site behavior and much more will be added.

The benefits

Our main goal is to focus our efforts into evolving marketgoo continuously, delivering a better solution over time. 

However, Google Analytics is an extremely powerful free product that is already available outside marketgoo. The main question relies on how will our integration provide value from a customer and SEO point of view:

  • First and foremost, making accurate traffic reporting accesible to our customers. We kept being asked how to see precise traffic information within marketgoo, as estimations weren’t helpful. Connecting with Google Analytics was the best solution for that problem.
  • We discovered that for a great part of our customers, who were already trying to use Google Analytics, it can be quite overwhelming. Too much information, feeling lost within the dashboard, having to navigate all around to get a few insights, made us realize that we could simplify traffic reporting. With marketgoo’s unique user-friendly style we’ll keep an efficient information diet and display the important metrics together.
  • Also, Google Analytics is unbeatable on traffic reporting but lacks of a concrete SEO action plan. “Alright, I have this information about my site… but what am I supposed to do now?”, this is common feedback. marketgoo, instead focuses on two steps: Report + Plan. And now we’ll be using Google Analytics data to give you specific recommendations to increase your traffic and your SEO strategy.

The future

As the market for online SMBs keeps growing and consolidating this is a great timing for launching a feature like this one.

From the product perspective, as we anticipated last month when we released our new interface, we are committed to keep a progressive release of new functionalities. And Google Analytics was the next in our roadmap.

Starting with a basic feature that will provide great value from the beginning it will keep growing into a great driver of positive SEO results.

Try Google Analytics with marketgoo for free and share any comments and suggestions. Your feedback is what makes us better.

All the best from the team!

David Roch

Head of Product

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