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SEO for Christmas 2019 Quick Guide & Checklist

How to get your site noticed these holidays…

If you don’t yet know what SEO issues your site has, signup and get your Free SEO Report before reading the guide and completing the checklist:

Your 3 Holiday SEO Priorities

Success with Local SEO means focusing on specific guidelines and making yourself easily searchable by potential customers and available through all online channels!

Social plays a big role for small businesses, but during the Holidays it’s even more important to supercharge your social profiles, follow hashtag trends, and make sure your reach is amplified on each platform!

It seems like we’re obsessed with Keywords at marketgoo, but that’s only because we have seen the difference that well chosen and well placed keywords can make to a site’s success!


If you have a brick and mortar store you and want to see foot-traffic, make sure you have these basics covered!


You should be using Social Media to tell a story about your business, engage your visitors and tell them why they should be buying from YOU and not your competitors this holiday season.


Contests are a simple way to get more visibility. Facebook and Instagram are the best platforms to run a contest.

Hashtag Campaign

Branded hashtags help spread the word about your business, find and engage with content by your followers and promote your own holiday campaigns.

Exclusive Discounts

Offer giveaways, rewards or discounts just for your social media followers. This way you can also track real engagement your social profiles are getting.

Go to our Holiday SEO checklist below to find further instructions.

Christmas and Holiday Keywords

Follow these two steps and you’re on the right path!

1. Focus on what you already rank for

You already know the blog posts and sections of your page that get the most traffic. If you don’t, get on Google Analytics stat!! Hijack these by updating content to make it relevant to the 2017 holidays.

Additionally, review your data from 2016: where did most of your traffic and purchases come from? Work on maintaining that success and building on it.

Easy competitor research and monitoring

2. Use holiday specific keywords

We suggest creating a holiday specific landing page or section within your site that can focus on season keywords. Link to this page from within your site, and look for others to link to it as well.

Go to our checklist below to find more information on how to do this.

Need help keeping up with Holiday SEO?

Start improving rankings and getting more traffic to your website before the year is up!

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Your Holiday SEO Checklist

Click here to get the checklist full size.

Want to see all those items checked off?
marketgoo can help you do it!

Further reading:
Optimizing your site for the Holidays