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Easy WordPress SEO for Beginners

This guide includes everything you need to know about WordPress SEO.

If you’re a beginner, you’ll learn how to get started.
If you’re past the early stages, you’ll have access to more advanced resources.

Basically, this is your one-stop guide for everything related to WordPress SEO.

Let’s start!

WordPress ship image

Step 1

Cutting through the WordPress SEO Noise

If you’ve done a simple search for help with SEO for your WordPress site, you know that everyone out there claims to have the guide to end all guides. We took the time to sift through all of them and pick the best of the best so you don’t waste time looking at subpar or rehashed material.

So why is there so much material on WordPress SEO? Why do so many these guides look like they were lifted word for word from others? Well, this is because WordPress is a huge market and there are millions of people like you searching for the same information. Exactly how huge is this market?

Let’s see:

Does your job description include analyzing why WordPress is a great platform for SEO?

Here is a side by side comparison of website builders and how they perform regarding SEO features.

Step 2

Interpreting your SEO Report

If you’re dead set on improving your WordPress site’s traffic and search rankings, the first thing you’ll do is run an SEO Audit or Report. This will scan your site and return a comprehensive evaluation of how friendly it is for search engines like Google.

SEO Reports often assign a score to your site and usually include how well you’re doing on factors like speed,missing and/or duplicate content, titles and descriptions, broken links, mobile friendliness, and current keyword rankings.

After you’ve looked at your report, you should have insight into why certain competitors appear before your site in Google results and what is preventing you from getting more visits to your site.

Step 3

Choosing Keywords

Keywords are the words and phrases that Internet users type into a search engine like Google in order to find websites that are match what they’re looking for. The keywords you choose to monitor and to include in your site’s content directly affect your positioning in search engine results. Before you implement the changes that you need in order to improve your site’s SEO, you need to make sure you’re targeting the right keywords.

Step 5

Taking more Advanced SEO Steps

Once you have the basics covered, it’s time to look at how to get backlinks (an important factor in how well you do on search engine results), simple actions you can take today to improve, making sure you correctly redirect deleted or renamed pages, seeing if rich snippets are for you, and what this robots.txt business is all about.

How exactly does marketgoo help your WordPress Site’s SEO?

Stop spending so much time pouring through complicated SEO instructions and worrying about how your competitors are beating you in search results.

If your site is on WordPress, you’ve made a great choice! You have an advantage when optimising your site for Search Engines, since over 30% of all websites use WordPress.

This means there is a lot of information and plugins out there for you to choose from. However, going through all this information can be very time consuming, and plugins can help you with certain aspects of search optimization, but by themselves, they don’t really help you rank higher on search engines such as Google.

To start ranking higher by getting more traffic, links, and creating relevant content, you need a tool like marketgoo. marketgoo takes the guesswork out of SEO by analyzing your site, figuring out what you’re missing, what mistakes you’ve made, and what improvements you need to make.

It then gives you recommendations with instructions on how to make these specific changes. All personalized for your site, and at a pace that works for you. There’s a plan for everyone and with our dedicated customer support, you can’t go wrong!

Step 6

10 WordPress Plugins for SMBs

Use it for: if you kind of know what you’re doing when it comes to SEO Yoast is very powerful, and if you’re a total beginner, we still suggest implementing it in order to enter and update your Titles, Descriptions and keep track of what keywords you’re focusing on.

Use it for: gathering and showing testimonials on your site. Essential if you want to keep visitors around.

Use it for: when you need to redirect one page URL (that may have been deleted or just doesn’t exist anymore) to another.

Use it for: understanding what parts of your page visitors are actually clicking on and interacting with.

Use it for: getting to your site’s visitors before they leave, and understanding what they need. Lower your site’s bounce rate!

Use it for: when you’re serious about going all-out with your rich snippets.

Use it for: when you need to protect your site against hacking and other type of malicious attacks.

Use it for: when you need to Resize, optimize, optimise and compress all of your images.

Use it for: detecting which links on your site are broken.

Use it for: when you want to see traffic stats, enable multiple features on your WP site, a CDN, social sharing, need to build contact forms, etc. it’s a full-featured tool.

Quick WordPress SEO Resources

  • Join Relevant Facebook Groups. In our opinion, the most useful are WordPress, SEO, & Internet Questions and SEO LaunchPad – these communities were created so that you can ask even the most beginner-level questions regarding your WordPress site.  
  • Use an SEO Cheatsheet created for your industry.  Don’t see your industry? We’ll make one for you, just ask!
  • Watch the WordPress tutorials from  WP Cupid.
  • Sign up for our SEO Newsletter tailored for WordPress users.

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