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marketgoo releases a new version of its software, now with a freemium service

in marketgoo News & Updates. Last Updated on October 21st, 2013

marketgoo, the website marketing software vendor, is releasing an updated version of its tools, now offering a freemium option to all its customers

Madrid, Spain. October 21 – After a successful year with important growth both in the direct sales channel and through partnerships with hosting providers; marketgoo ( is revamping its SMB focused website marketing toolset.

One of the most relevant changes of the new marketgoo version is that it changes the 10-day free trial model, and introduces a freemium business model. This free version, called Free SEO Starter Pack, includes new and most demanded tools like modern search engine submission, an SEO website health scanner, keyword analytics, inbound links study and competitor discovery. This will help companies to obtain an overview about their website marketing efforts, and learn if they need to work further in certain areas of their strategy.

marketgoo has also modified its range of paid products offering. Until now, there was just one single offering of the software priced at $34.95 per month, it now has changed and there are 4 different offerings starting at $9.95 per month. This will allow the tool to be more flexible to different audiences that may require different levels of service.

FreeSEOpack“Our focus is to provide the best customer experience possible to the users of our platform. We are reducing the barriers of entry and allowing a bigger audience to join marketgoo. We have also adapted our offerings to different customer needs and budgets, while improving the easy and efficient approach of marketgoo. These changes are driven from the feedback provided by our users, and we are excited to finally launch this version to the public.” Wences Garcia, CEO of marketgoo

Additionally, hosting providers can also take advantage of this new offering, by either signing up as a cPanel partner with its easy integration through a plugin, or by offering marketgoo in its white label version. Interested hosting providers can find more information at

Key highlights of the new marketgoo include:

  • Free SEO Starter Pack
  • 4 different upgrade offerings adapted to all needs and budgets
  • Easy integration and support with partners

SMBs can start improving their website marketing with marketgoo for free, as the new version of marketgoo is publicly available at

Finally, as a launch offering all paid products will be free during October.

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