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Search Marketing (SEO) solutions is what your customers are asking for

in Founder's Blog. Last Updated on April 18th, 2013

At marketgoo we are focused on helping hosting companies, web agencies and different kinds of SMB providers to upsell their customer base. I strongly believe SMBs are ready to take advantage of do-it-yourself website marketing solutions for different reasons:

  • Business owners want to control their marketing. Internet is for an increasing number of business owners the main source of business. More often is important to understand how a core activity of the company is working.
  • Social media sites are democratizing content management. When Facebook roll-out their company pages, we saw an increasing amount of companies creating and curating content. They find it´s easy to include new content.
  • CMS platforms are easier than ever. website management and CMS platforms are struggling to make it easier than ever to be used. Software like WordPress, Joomla or SaaS solutions like Basekit, Squarespace make it very easy to design and create effective websites.
  • Search engines request quality content. Search engines like Google are key to SMBs. They bring most of their visits. But things had changed in the ranking space. The most important strategies to gain attention and increase qualified traffic is content, good content.

At the WHD event I had the chance to sit with several hosting executives. One representative coming from one of the biggest hosting companies in the world told me they did launch SEO solutions because it was the most requested feature their customers were asking for.

What are the keys of offering a website marketing solution to your customers?

Check our presentation, we are going to write through all these specific points in the following days

[slideshare id=17709421&doc=10keystoupsellyourcustomerbaseofsmbswithonlinemarketingandwebpresenceapplications-wencesgarcia-130326040013-phpapp01]

Resell our SEO tools to help your customers succeed online with improved traffic and search rankings!


Founder, CEO and Head of Culture at marketgoo. From time to time I like to write about our startup life, culture and the SaaS and SEO ecosystem.