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marketgoo & Host Europe Group Deliver DIY Web Marketing Tools for SMBs

in Sin categoría. Last Updated on February 6th, 2015

We are pleased to announce that we have partnered with Host Europe Group (HEG) to deliver a web optimisation application specially designed for small and medium businesses (SMBs). This partnership offfers HEG customers a cost effective approach to increasing and improving their online visibility.

marketgoo is a web based application that provides businesses with a self-service approach to web optimisation. Features include: daily monitoring of web ranking against competitors and a keyword generator that correctly defines the company’s business and provides suggestions to increase online ranking. An analysis of the data collected is then presented to the customer through an easy-to-use dashboard and includes tailored advice on how to improve their search engine optimisation (SEO) efforts. Other features include: web analytics, results measurement, social media monitoring, increasing links to the company’s website and the ability to gain international visibility.

marketgoo’s DIY web marketing tool is changing the image of SEO by simplifying a historically complex and misunderstood area. SEO is relevant to every company, in every industry and the fact our customers have called for an SEO tool is testament to that. Such a product will allow us to provide small and medium businesses with the same opportunities available to larger companies, without the expenditure,” said Dr. Andreas Palm, CEO Mass Hosting, HEG.

By partnering with HEG, we are able to support small and medium businesses in developing a more prominent online position. We created this application as a result of having worked extensively providing online marketing solutions for this type of client, realising that they have a clear need for a simple and flexible web optimisation tool to boost revenue. Our partnership with HEG supports our goal to automate marketing strategies in order to streamline SEO and web marketing processes, leading to real changes,” said Wences Garcia, Founder, marketgoo.

marketgoo will be integrated fully with HEG’s key brands.

SMBs continue to be a segment of interest to hosting providers, and Do-it-Yourself (DIY) tools like marketgoo are a good value-added offer for those SMB customers who prefer self-serve solutions to web marketing and SEO.

Other marketgoo partners include Greek web host, Brazilian Locaweb and Telefónica brands Movistar and Acens.

Resell our SEO tools to help your customers succeed online with improved traffic and search rankings!


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