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What’s New in marketgoo: July 2023

in Product Update. Last Updated on July 26th, 2023

What’s New in marketgoo: A Look at Our Latest Updates

The summer has been anything but slow for us – we’ve got plenty of updates to share with you!

Let’s dive in:

New Features and Enhancements

AI Features

First up: using AI, we’re helping users to create compelling titles & meta descriptions, to increase their website traffic efficiently💥

Meta tags play a role in improving click-through rates and they remain an important part of any SEO strategy. However, crafting optimized titles and meta descriptions can be time-consuming and challenging, so we developed an AI-powered meta tags generator.

We’re able to offer this feature through an integration with OpenAI.

Who it’s for: this feature is currently accessible to Pro users using the Web App. Lite and Free users will see an upgrade prompt when they attempt to use the feature. 

Where it appears: it’s a part of the tasks that detect whether a Title or Meta Description is missing on a page. 

The details:

  • The desired length for the title is 50 characters and for the meta description is 150 characters.
  • The generated title and the meta description will be in the same language as the content of the page.
  • Important: currently our tool limits title and description generation attempts to a maximum of 3 per day, in total (so, there are 3 daily attempts of generating AU meta tags per plan). 
  • The tool generates a new title or description only in cases where the content of the page has been changed since the last attempt, or if the user has modified the focus keyword. The user is notified if this happens.

Next Up: very soon (next month), WordPress customers will get access to this feature as well. 

Schema Guidance

SMBs need to seize all optimization opportunities that will help them get into the top search rankings.

Structured data is a way to do that. It’s a standardized format for providing information about a page and classifying the page content, so it helps Google and other search engines understand the content on the page.

It can also help websites get rich snippet results.

We now offer a structured data check and task to make sure a website is improving their odds of ranking in top results.

Who it’s for: this feature is currently accessible to Lite and Pro users using the Web App and Free and Pro users on WordPress. 

Where it appears: marketgoo checks for the presence of structured data on the website and validates it with the same criteria used by the Validation tool. It appears as a task in the user’s SEO Plan when the site does not have structured data, and it does affect the website’s global SEO score. 

Next Up: the possibility of directly generating the structured data mark-up needed for user sites!

GA4 Notice

Google retired standard Universal Analytics properties on July 1, 2023. Earlier this year, we determined that about 81% of marketgoo users who had linked their accounts to Google Analytics, were still using Universal Analytics (UA) accounts.

Although many website admins report still seeing their UA data, we continue to encourage users to make the switch ASAP if they still haven’t. We reminded you about this back in May, but not all customers have re-connected their GA4 accounts on marketgoo, which is necessary to continue seeing their traffic stats.

Who this is for: all users that have linked their Google Analytics account with marketgoo and have not authorized access to their new GA4 properties.

Where it appears: upon login to their marketgoo SEO tool.


There are plenty of Norwegian speakers using marketgoo (as well as our Partners serving Norwegian customers), so we now have added Norwegian to the languages our tools are available in! Users can now select the language from their settings. 

Who this is for: all users on all plans: Web App and WordPress. 

In addition to these features, we’ve made a lot of smaller optimizations for both the web app and WordPress plugin to improve the user experience with tasks!

You can keep an eye on our changelog, as in the future we’ll be adding a bit more detail regarding these smaller but still impactful improvements. 

If you have any questions or concerns regarding these updates, please reach out to us at support [ @ ], or to your usual Partner contacts at marketgoo who are ready to assist.

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