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Review: Becks Movers

in Case Studies, Local. Last Updated on August 31st, 2023

We were recently able to catch up with Jo Batten of Becks Movers. Jo and her partner Wayne Beck run the website for their company, which offers a range of removals services covering the UK, Spain and Europe

Improving online visibility for them is a challenge because the competition for ranking in search engine results pages is high, and the difficulty of breaking through in an industry where companies often rely on referrals and the largest players have already established trust and credibility.

Let’s take a closer look at Becks Movers, a Spain-based company that offers removals, home packing, storage and other services to and from the UK, Ireland, or any part of Europe – and let’s see how they improved their online visiblity with marketgoo.

SEO for Moving Companies

To understand the SEO challenges that Jo is facing, let’s see what makes websites like this unique:

  • The need to optimize for local search across multiple locations (and sometimes even for multiple languages)
  • There is high competition for keywords
  • There are seasonal fluctuations, with demand varying by time of year
  • Acquiring high-quality backlinks can be challenging due to the industry’s nature

So how did an SEO Tool like marketgoo help them get SEO results? Keep reading!

User Profile

  • Using marketgoo for: 1+ year 
  • # Sessions in marketgoo: 81
  • # Keywords tracked in marketgoo: 18
  • # Competitors tracked in marketgoo: 4
  • Website Platform: Weebly


# of keywords in Top 10 Google Results

Before: 1

After: 2

# of Ranked Keywords

Before: 10

After: 49*

# of Backlinks

Gained +14 new backlinks

  • The most valuable feature of marketgoo for Jo is everything in the Optimize section! The tasks with instructions have taught her about the importance of keywords, titles and descriptions.

I looked at a couple [other SEO tools] but decided to use marketgoo as it seemed the most straightforward[…] I am really grateful to have marketgoo.

– Jo Batten
  • The site’s traffic has increased +100% since they began optimising with marketgoo
  • Jo is reducing the number of hours she dedicates to SEO each week, as she now feels she has a handle on it.

The Keys: understanding SEO and creating quality content    

  • The site has a continuously updated blog with content focused on providing quality information and educating the visitor by answering common location based queries relevant to moving.  
  • Jo has solved (and is continuing to solve) technical SEO errors and has worked on optimising individual pages.
  • The company has a presence on Facebook that is constantly updated and has positive customer ratings. The images shared on their page also appear in search results.
  • Becks Movers make it easy for site visitors to contact them even offering a Whatsapp option.

Now that marketgoo has helped me to understand SEO, I have been encouraged to start writing a blog on the website to attract more visitors, and it is working. 

– Jo Batten

*the March 2023 core update appears to have caused rank fluctuations for this website, going suddenly from 49 ranked keywords, to 8, climbing up to 18, currently following an upward trend recovering lost positions.

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